
17 October, 2014

JESUS THE ROCK OF SALVATION - Welcome Message (Thursday Evening)

TEXT: ISAIAH 26:4,EXODUS 10:13,16

            Trust ye in the lord for ever,for he is the lord,JEHOVAH  is the everlasting strength.
            He bringth down them that dwell on high,the lofty seat he maketh low.
                    Glory be to God.
Whether you say Jesus or Jehovah,Jehovah is the rock of salvation unto whosoever believeth in him.
Some may wish to ask,what is this rock?
Those who have traveled to Oron ,if the cloud is clear,would visibly see the Cameroon Mountain.

Some have learned and know it to be Kilimanjaro mountain.
There is another mountain known as mount everest.Even those who have traveled to Abuja
can see the Suleja mountain imposing.I'm talking about a rocky mountain not the one that is used
to crack palm kernel,I'm talking about the one that once seen,it is feared.
What are the elements in this rock that makes it the rock of salvation? 

On the zenith of this mountain,there is fire,and this fire signifies the Holy spirit.In such mountain
in its volcanic nature,not even the birds nor witches nor whatever can settle or mo
ve across this mountain.
But at the foot of this mountain,it brings the dew and cools its environment.
If you read Exodus 10;13,and vs 16 down,this fire on the mountain represents the Holy spirit.Am
saying,that this rock of salvation,it is the hiding place unto believers.Let me come down to our level
to discuss more abut these smaller rocks.If you travel to Lagos,along the road you will see a Police
or army check point especially,you'l see them building mountains with sand bags.Surely
they are making this place a hiding place.Jesus is the rock of salvation to those who believes in him.

I want to talk about the rock in three dimensions

          THE ROCK OF SALVATION 2nd Samuel 22;1-6.
I will have you know that this rock rises either from the sea or from the land.
Somebody who've traveled came back and saw a rocky mountain. He was very happy.This man who
came from a place no man can tell,went and brought cement and built a big house of about ten
[10]rooms.He had concluded that there was no need for further preparation of foundation on this rocky mountain.
This man built upon this rock without the knowledge that no one jokes on this mountain,on any form.
Behold he did not know that this rock was a living rock.When the construction went up to the point of roofing,
in one of the day,this man visited the building site and discovered that the house had tilted each to its end,
for the rock had taken another dimension.This man was joking with a living rock.
What am I telling you tonight?
Jesus is the everlasting rock.
Jesus is the rock that walks,that talks,that saves, and that hears. Hallelujah.
Whoever you are,and wherever you came from to see this rock,I tell you today that this rock has no similitude.
If you do not believe in Jesus as your personal Lord and savior I tell you tonight, you lose every thing.Go home today
and believe in Jesus as your personal Lord and savior,for he is the rock of salvation to those who believe.
2nd Samuel chapter 22,exposes how he saved the Israelite.When the Israelite sinned against this rock,it tilted.And as a
result they where deadly punished with time God,this rock had mercy on them.He turned around and shewed
them mercy.
If you have sinned against this God,turn to him with meekness and truthfulness of heart,cry to him and he will have mercy upon you.
When the Israelite went to Samuel and beseech him to pray to God to forgive them their sins,Samuel then instructed them to go
and call all their families and tribes,let them come and lie before him and pray to God and He,[Samuel]
with them.the Israelite sprayed like a swarm of locust before Samuel.
Behold a spy reported their gathering to the philistines.the philistines drew near to crush,tear,destroy and eliminate their
existence from off the earth.
Behold the Israelite being at that point helpless,ran and held Samuel's garment and prayed him to seek for them,help from
 God.Samuel at that point,was awaken to action.He took a ram and sacrificed to God.The Heaven shook,the earth also trembled.
 The Bible records that the philistines melted away. Hallelujah!.
If you did not have this God as your personal Lord and Savior,this time is the time for you to do that.
He is the rock of salvation.
Read this Bible portion, and you will discover how the Israelites rose up and found the philistines no more.
for the Lord had caused them to melt away.
I do not know the extent of your faith on this God,I do not know how fame your faith is on the LORD.many do leave this Apostolic Church to seek
counseling else where.Some people even seek counseling from another counselor. Why do thy,this?
its because they have to attain a meeting that after the meeting be rewarded with at least transport allowance.
they do not find their the prophesy in any other church program except in prayer is written that the nine[9]gift of the
Holy spirit,is for the edification and maintenance of the Church.
During men movement the prayer-Band member will be washing his cloth,when it is communion time he is ironing his cloth,preparing
himself for prayer-band.Where is faith there?.The thing is that they have to attain a program that at the end, they are given
a transport allowance. I tell you,in this convention,the lord is the rock of our salvation.
Whether you are given a special assignment or not,the Lord is here to save you.He is there as the rock of your salvation.
call upon this rock of salvation and you'l be saved.

Again I See God as the Rock of Separation 1st Samuel 23:7 The Bible tells how Jesus is the Rock of Separation  Believe in
Jesus The God of The Apostolic Church and he will surely place a demarcation between you and your enemies. These same rock
of Salvation did placed a demarcation Between Saul and David.After Saul had sword by the Earth that David shall not live,God
in Heaven placed a demarcation between them.According to the bible David was Attacked to an extent he became mad.
There are some Situation you may find yourself and you had no option than to make Lizard your Meat.Someone made me believe
that a Disease can be cured using Urine.In these convention I tell you that Jesus Christ is the only rock that can place
a demarcation between you and tour enemy. Reading these Bible portion you will discover how David became mad as a result of
deadly pursuit an attack that turned a strong man that fought against a bear and save his sheep.
To night the voice of the Lord has minister to me to inform you that he has placed a demarcation between you and your enemies

          THE ROCK OF HELP
In Hebrew he is called Ebenezar,some people answer that name "Ebenezar" but it does not ameliorate problems. Tonight whether
your name is Ebenezar or not you will see Mercy.It was lack of help that kept that man by the sea of Bethesda for thirty
eight (38) years, The helpless Man lay there lonely without help but once the water is troubled they that had helpers were
healed.In this meeting God is going to place for you a rock of favor in Jesus name Amen.
These are the dimension of Rocks that you should go home with.Surely in these convention you will go home and see your helper
The Lord will set you apart unto victory over your enemies.
     I was fasting in a certain Church It was a three days fasting on the second day the owners of the church held a meetingthey asked me to join in the meeting I did,Then in the middle of the meeting there was a prophesy that instructed one man toPush out something then with seriousness the man did as instructed.And before I left the church,the man to whom the prophesywas for came running back to the church in search for the prayer-band leader to inform him of the death of his farther.According to the man the Father was shouting "don't push me,don't push me." And tonight I want to tell you once God has put ademarcation between you and your enemies you will see them no more.
 In this Rock there is food,there is multiplication.As Jabaze prayed to God and He enlarged his coast,God will also enlarged
your coast. In these Convention, Jehovah is the rock of our salvation go and hide under him and He will save you.
May the lord bless you. Amen.     


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