
05 November, 2014

What about the Rapture? When will it happen?

The rapture is the gathering up of God's people when He returns to get those who love Him and take them to be with Him in Heaven. There are many different ideas regarding the Rapture and when it will happen. Many people teach that it will happen before the final seven years begins. Some teach that it will happen before the Great Tribulation, somewhere in the middle of the final seven years. A few teach that the rapture will take place at the end of the tribulation when Jesus Christ returns at the battle of Armageddon.
Let’s take a look at the scriptures.

02 November, 2014

Understanding the Chastening of God

Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. 

—Hebrews 12:11 NKJV

God's Love: Unconditional!

But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. 
—Romans 5:8

25 October, 2014


The fathers of faith, as known by their attitude and exemplary lives ,never practiced Christianity as seen now,they prayed and their voices were recognized in heaven ,sin was a taboo in their operations ! Did they slaughter themselves like the prophets of Baal praying before answers came ? They used money in their day-day activities because they also patronized market women for their consumables and non -consumables as well .........but we had no report of compromise , women were saved in their custodies moving from villages to villages for evangelism without harassment or intimidation from the shepherd , we never heard how in their own family called'' church '' , that someone used eight cars while other were struggling to pay for a room apartment ,church members were not cajoled or lured to bring money if they want multiple increase within stipulated time!


I am praying to God that i don't want to be a sign post to heaven , because , the bible says ''let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall (1 cor10: 12) i don't want to say don't do this and practise something else, i want to see the Lord when the end comes , i don't want to sing, dance, pray, tithing, and wont be able to see His face, after all i have read about the city of heaven.

Let us repent and move closer to God .
The characteristics of darkness are the common trade mark of many so -called Christians of nowadays , yet we are celebrating , integrity is is a scare commodity ,we blame Government ? we sometimes fail to manage an account successfully in a house of God without discord , who do you trust ? heaven is no more in their hearts..............Christian by name, paganism in attitude , 

19 October, 2014

Excerpts from Sunday evening closing service

-   II Samuel 14:8, Daniel 6:16, Job 1:8.
-          -   Then the king said to the woman, I will give orders concerning thee.
-          -   As you depart this mount, God says he will give orders concerning thee.
-          -   When God gives an order concerning anything, all creation hears and acts accordingly.
-          -    As God gives charge over you, all the mountains will depart.
-          -   Though you may be in the lions den, God will give the lions orders concerning you.

Sunday Morning Divine Worship in Pictures

Apostle(Dr) I.N.George (Deputy Field Superintendent

17 October, 2014

JESUS THE ROCK OF SALVATION - Welcome Message (Thursday Evening)

TEXT: ISAIAH 26:4,EXODUS 10:13,16

            Trust ye in the lord for ever,for he is the lord,JEHOVAH  is the everlasting strength.
            He bringth down them that dwell on high,the lofty seat he maketh low.
                    Glory be to God.
Whether you say Jesus or Jehovah,Jehovah is the rock of salvation unto whosoever believeth in him.
Some may wish to ask,what is this rock?
Those who have traveled to Oron ,if the cloud is clear,would visibly see the Cameroon Mountain.

Some have learned and know it to be Kilimanjaro mountain.
There is another mountain known as mount everest.Even those who have traveled to Abuja
can see the Suleja mountain imposing.I'm talking about a rocky mountain not the one that is used
to crack palm kernel,I'm talking about the one that once seen,it is feared.
What are the elements in this rock that makes it the rock of salvation? 

On the zenith of this mountain,there is fire,and this fire signifies the Holy spirit.In such mountain
in its volcanic nature,not even the birds nor witches nor whatever can settle or mo

Excerpts From Day 2 (Friday Morning) Convention Service

-When a man is not born again,he lives a life according to the spirit that works in him
-Jesus is the redemption sent to man
-Only the redeemed are those that have the seal of son-ship
-The unfortunate scenario in todays world is that those that Christ came to save have rejected him Gal 4:6
-As many that received him,he gave them power to become sons and daughters of God....john 1:12