
29 September, 2014

Simplicity Brings Joy

. . . Truly I say to you, unless you repent (change, turn about) and become like little children [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving], you can never enter the kingdom of heaven [at all].
—Matthew 18:3

27 September, 2014

The Nigerian Experience - The story as it has never been told before...

The Nigerian experience of 1916 was similar to the United Kingdom situation of the same year. It was an experience of the surge of the Holy Spirit, as recorded by one of the patriarchs of the church, Pastor S. G. Adegboyega. He narrated his experience of the month of March in the year 1916; when he attended revival meeting, conducted at the St. Paul 's Anglican Church, Breadfruit Street , Lagos , under the distinguished chairmanship of late Bishop James Johnson; and a similar one was simultaneously held at Anglican Church Aroloya Street, Lagos in Nigeria conducted by Late Bishop Oluwole. These two revival services had same subject focused on The Baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers and efficacy of Prayer by believers through faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
He was privileged to have attended that revival conducted by Bishop Johnson where these subjects were so stressed by him. He continued to lay emphasis on the necessity of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and subsequently many good things derivable from the Spirit. At the end of the revival meeting many ministers present at the revival service had received the power of the Holy Spirit. These revival services, no doubt made a mark in the life of Pastor Adegboyega. And that rekindled his interest for fellowship with other children of God.

25 September, 2014

How To Handle Temptation

 . . . who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able . . .
—1 Corinthians 10:13
It is Satan’s purpose to steal the seed of truth from your heart by sending distracting thoughts. It should encourage you to know that the devil considers you a good enough Christian to use as a target.
The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is: though they both may have good and evil thoughts, Christ gives His followers strength to select the right rather than the wrong. You see a man going to prayer meeting with a Bible under his arm. That man was undoubtedly tempted to stay at home, go bowling, or to some other activity. But, as these diverse thoughts came to his mind, he made the right selection, and headed for the church.
Another man walks through the night to a bar. It no doubt occurred to him that he had best stay home with his family. But he yielded to the negative thought, and gave in to his lower appetites.
It is not the temptations you have, but the decision you make about them that counts.

22 September, 2014

Enjoy Life as You Grow

You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect.
—Matthew 5:48

Following Jesus Is Worth Whatever It Takes

Human beings put a value on everything. How much we value someone or something affects the decisions we make. If we value a certain piece of meat enough to pay thirteen dollars a pound for it, we buy it. If we value our pet enough to pay a thousand dollars for the surgery she needs, we tell the vet to schedule the surgery. If we value winning a marathon enough, we get up early every morning to train for it. If we value losing weight enough, we avoid certain foods.

14 September, 2014

Our Area Convention In Pictures!


Seven Reasons We Don’t Take Care of Ourselves

Joyce Meyer
I meet a lot of people in the course of my ministry. Sadly, I see too many who are not taking care of themselves. Many of them clearly feel terrible. Anyone can see this in the way they look and the way they carry themselves. You simply cannot look really great if you don’t feel great. How you feel will show up somewhere; in your body language, the dull look in your eyes, or even the color of your skin.
It is in our nature to take care of ourselves, so why don’t we? I thought about the ways that this can go wrong, and I came up with these reasons:

1. We don’t know how to take care of our physical bodies. Decades of bad diets, misinformation, and easy access to fast food and prepackaged food have left people amazingly confused about what a wholesome diet is and how they should eat.

08 September, 2014

Change Ingredients

To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven: . . . a time to break down and a time to build up, . . . a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, . . . a time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away.
—Ecclesiastes 3:1–6

05 September, 2014

The Work in Bradford, West Yorkshire

In the year 1916 a small company of people had met in the home of Pastor A. B. Chanter, and while together the Lord revealed to them the vision of the Apostolic Church . At that time the group had been attending a Pentecostal Church for eight years, but their acceptance of Apostles and Prophets meant they had to leave. The title this group gave themselves was "Apostolic Church of God"
In this group there were 12 in all. Many later became involved in the full-time work of the Apostolic Church, e.g. Pastor H. V. chanter A. B. Chanter, H. Cousen, G. Perfect and A. Rhodes, After this small group was formed, they met regularly and the Lord blessed them, adding to their numbers, An overseer was called - A. Rhodes : three elders called - A. W. Rhodes, H. V. Chanter and A. B. Chanter (father of H.V.C.) Mrs. Chanter was called as a deaconess.

The History of The Apostolic Church.

          Origins - The Work in Penygroes
In the years 1904-05 a revival known as "The Welsh Revival" broke out in Wales. An evangelist, Evan Roberts, full of the Holy Ghost, was ministering the word of God with wonderful results. News was spreading like fire telling people about the revival in Loughor, and that it had reached the Amman Valley.
A group of people met one night in Penygroes, a small, quiet village in Carmarthenshire (Dyfed) at the Independent Chapel. They were discussing the news of this revival. After a while the minister, Pastor William Bowen, said they should meet with other churches in the village and hold prayer meetings so that they themselves would be prepared for the revival. In this group was a man named D. P Williams, who suggested inviting Evans Roberts to preach in the village.
After a few times in prayer, things began to happen. The revival began to sweep through Penygroes and many in the Independent Chapel became changed. They received experiences never known in the church before. But there were also those who had the new experience had to leave the Chapel. This is where we leave the Independent Chapel and stay with the new group. This was only a beginning to years of difficult experiences.

03 September, 2014

Here It Is! September Bulletin!

Here's the back cover of this month's bulletin! Go get yours!
And Don't Forget, We Tell You Sell...

A New Direction

O Lord,You have heard the desire and the longing of the humble and oppressed;You will prepare and strengthen and direct their hearts.
—Psalm 10:17

Sometimes we come to an unhappy place in our lives. If we examine ourselves on those days, we will most likely discover that the things that make us most unhappy are the fruit of the choices that we made earlier.
Today can be a new start. I think God gave us twenty-four-hour days because He knew that was all we could handle. His mercies are new every morning (See Lamentations 3:22–23). You can start over this morning and live today for the Lord. Determine to follow wherever God leads you, and do whatever He tells you to do. You can expect better tomorrows when you live right today.

P.S   You Can Send Us Your Articles:

02 September, 2014

The Key To Being Satisfied

Then shall your light break forth like the morning . ..

—Isaiah 58:8
We all probably want more light in our lives. That would mean more clarity, better understanding, and less confusion. The prophet Isaiah declared that if we would divide our bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into our homes, cover the naked and stop hiding ourselves from the needs around us, our light would break forth (see Isa. 58:7–8). He also said our healing and restoration and the power of a new life would spring forth quickly. That sounds good to me, and I am sure it does to you also.

Isaiah also wrote of justice, and he said it would go before us and conduct us to peace and prosperity, and that the glory of the Lord would be our rear guard. If we are actively helping the oppressed, God goes before us and He also has our backs! I like that feeling of safety and certainty.